Sunday, November 21, 2010

The best way to avoid work....

Chilly fall morning. People hustle to get to class or work. Many of them have some sort of booster drink to help them shake off that natural drowsiness that is such a part of Monday mornings.

I walk into my lab. It seems much emptier than usual, but Monday mornings tend to have that effect. It is much too tempting to cling on to the hope that the weekend has not ended, and that sleep can continue for another hour or two. Eventually, as with all things in life, we wake up to the reality of a workday, knowing that we are already quite late.

 People start coming in. Everybody is trying to be productive, but it's Monday morning, it just sucks away the life out of you. Just when the situation seems hopeless, in rolls the perfect excuse:

 I find it impressive the telepathic abilities babies have. They can turn serious, semi-productive adults into perpetual entertainment-producing machines, in a matter of seconds. 

It is also much more acceptable to not be working at work when there's a baby around.

So now you know, on Monday mornings, try and get one of your co-workers to bring their baby. Even your boss will be happy you're slacking!