Sunday, September 25, 2011

Summer Heat Feedback Loop

Summer has decided to stick around for quite a while longer than what it should have here (really, Florida? Nearly October and we're still getting 90-degree weather?),  I have had quite a while to analyze my behavior to this oh-so-disgustingly-hot season.

As I had shared before, I'm not a big fan of sunlight. I'm pretty much pale-by-choice. Or by genetic inheritance of vampiristic traits :P (if you don't get that joke please read this , I'm quite proud of how that particular blog :) ).

In any case, I've noticed that this dislike of sunlight is exclusive to when I'm outdoors. When I'm stuck inside, my human instincts kick in and I seem to be very, very pleased at the sun shining through the window.Particularly so when indoors includes air-conditioning. So, while staring happily at the sunny world outside, I begin to have some sort of summer-fever. Somehow, I forget all my better sense and I can't help the desire to go outside and bask under sunlight and summery stuff.

In my mind, it will all work wonderfully and I'll spend a marvelous time outside just enjoying summer.

In reality, though...

You'd think that after endless months of summer, I would have learned already; but both reactions are so intrinsically instinctual that I really can't help myself. Just a few hours later, I find myself at the first step all over again...

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