Saturday, January 8, 2011

Happy? New Year

I don't know how it went for everybody else, but 2011 came before I was ready for it. 2010 was insane for me, and it went by waaaay too fast. So the start of a new year is only succeeding in making me anxious and in wanting to have the ability to rewind time a few weeks back into (at least) mid-December.

Needless to say, most of my recent conversations have revolved about how time went by much too fast. In one of these a friend raised the most amazingly logical explanations to why this happened.

Oh so very logical, and for that, oh so very terrifying of an idea...

So, while everybody else seems to be psyched about it, excuse me while I sulk on the reality of another start of a new solar cycle.

1 comment:

  1. i surely didnt see that one coming... GOd its so true... darn it... =@
